Coping with Low Self-Esteem and Anxiety: 4 Key Strategies

Coping with Low Self-Esteem & Anxiety

Type “anxiety symptoms” into your nearest search engine and you’ll be rewarded with a long list of links.

You may have to do a little scrolling, though, to find “self-esteem.” This is unfortunate because self-esteem and anxiety are closely interwoven issues. Toss in some (inevitable) perfectionism, and you’ve got yourself a toxic brew.

All that second-guessing and worrying can eat away at anyone’s self-perception. This cycle also tends to mask the underlying causes. It can even confuse the cause with the effect.

Fortunately, there is some good news. You have access to a wide range of important strategies to help you cope with the anxiety—self-esteem—perfection connection.

The Cost of Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental disorder in the U.S. Its insidious nature disguises it as sadness, shyness, restlessness, fatigue, or a host of physical signs and symptoms.

Cunningly, anxiety settles into your psyche and is quite adept at rewriting what you deem to be “normal.” After all, there are many instances in a typical day for which it makes sense to feel anxious. An anxiety disorder, however, does its best to trick you into seeing risk or danger at every turn.

How could this not impact your self-esteem? It’s awfully hard to generate confidence and even a little swagger when anxiety has you tilting at windmills all day long. On top of that, we live in a culture that rewards perfection—from the mainstream media to social media.

Perfectionism Is Pervasive

Thanks to social media and that mini-computer you carry everywhere (aka your cellphone), life can feel like a competition. All the people you see online, friends or strangers or celebrities, present a carefully curated image of who they are.

This sets the bar unrealistically high. The prize is likes, shares, and follows. The punishment is public criticism. Online, perfectionism openly plays out for what it is: a fear of failure.

If you didn’t already feel anxious, social media will change that. If anxiety was already present, well… things will escalate quickly. You’ll feel compelled to hide your “imperfections” and, thus, not allow yourself to be honest about your life.

But again, there is good news. Here are four strategies that can help you cope with anxiety:

1. Psychoeducation

Sure we might live in the age of information overload, which can lead to confusion and blur the lines between factual information and conspiracy theories, but with some diligence (yes, there are reputable information sites), you can safely educate yourself on how anxiety works. For example, it’s essential that you comprehend just how anxiety can normalize your low self-esteem and critical inner voice.

Gaining knowledge is an important primary strategy. If this learning process is a challenge, why not ask someone who has experience with this topic for some guidance (see #4).

2. Journaling

Anxiety will overwrite your perception. As noted previously, it can mislead you into thinking one thing when it's quite another.

An individual writing in a journal. Get started today with an anxiety therapist in Columbus, OH. We're ready to help you manage your anxiety.

One powerful tool to combat this possibility is journaling. So, keep steady notes on how you feel, what you believe, and how you responded to both. This record will help you monitor if and how your story is being rewritten.

And if you decide to see an anxiety therapist in for guidance about your anxiety, your journal may also come in mighty handy during your counseling sessions.

3. Stay Connected

No buts about it, 2020 has been a tough year for socializing. Yet, social distancing doesn’t have to mean social isolation.

The best approach to warding off feelings of loneliness that can feed your anxiety and crush your self-esteem is regular association. Use whatever tools at your disposal to stay connected to those who support you and nurture your self-esteem. There are a lot of fantastic tools to help you connect.

4. Anxiety Counseling in Colombus, oh

Everyone needs a safe space, especially those struggling with anxiety. Anxiety counseling can provide that space through the guidance of a skilled anxiety therapist.

Alongside your anxiety counselor—in-person or via video chat—you can express and explore your perceptions and feelings without fear of judgment. And, in turn, they can help you gain the know-how for coping with your unique situation. This is fertile ground for personal change.

Our Approach to Anxiety Therapy

A woman sitting at a cafe with a coffee. Anxiety counseling in Columbus, OH can help you find tools to cope with your anxiety. Call us today to get started!

At Focus Counseling, we’re here to help you build your anti-anxiety toolbox, putting the power back in your hands and the esteem back into yourself.

As touched on above, anxiety has a very persuasive voice. Working with a knowledgeable anxiety therapist, you can learn the crucial skill of differentiating that voice from reality. If you would like to know more, please feel free to contact me to schedule a session for anxiety counseling or check out our many wonderful anxiety therapists.

Ready to Start Therapy for Anxiety?

Are you experiencing anxiety and low self-esteem? You're not alone. In our fast-paced world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and disconnected. But there's hope with Focus Counseling. Discover more powerful strategies to help you cope with anxiety and loneliness and find a sense of peace with anxiety counseling. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. Contact us here or call (614)489-8759.

  2. Learn more about our anxiety therapists.

  3. Discover how to cope with low self-esteem and anxiety.

Other Services our Therapists Offer:

At Focus Counseling, we offer a spectrum of specialized services aimed at addressing various facets of your well-being. Our services range from depression counseling, teen counseling, and couples therapy. Our team also provides therapy sessions tailored to your unique needs like family counseling, anger management, grief counseling, and child counseling. We’re committed to offering diverse and compassionate care to guide you on the path to a healthier and more fulfilling life.